Marijuana Archives - Strain Cannabis Dispensary /category/marijuana/ Chatsworth Recreational Dispensary Sun, 19 Mar 2023 19:14:24 +0000 en-US hourly 1 /wp-content/uploads/2020/12/cropped-leaf-32x32.png Marijuana Archives - Strain Cannabis Dispensary /category/marijuana/ 32 32 How to Get Rid of the Smell of Marijuana /how-to-get-rid-of-the-smell-of-marijuana/ Tue, 08 Nov 2022 19:14:58 +0000 How to Get Rid of the Smell of Marijuana For weed smokers, the scent of a strain is one of the plant’s attractive characteristics but for others, the smell of marijuana in your house or car may create problems with people not approving its use.  Cannabis users may still have a variety of reasons for […]

The post How to Get Rid of the Smell of Marijuana appeared first on Strain Cannabis Dispensary.

How to Get Rid of the Smell of Marijuana

For weed smokers, the scent of a strain is one of the plant’s attractive characteristics but for others, the smell of marijuana in your house or car may create problems with people not approving its use. 

Cannabis users may still have a variety of reasons for wanting to mask the scent of weed after smoking. 

So, in case you’re a regular or occasional smoker, you undoubtedly want to know how to get rid of the weed smell from your home and clothes. So, let’s see what you can do about it!

Marijuana Scent and Terpenes

Firstly, there are countless cannabis strains and due to the different cannabinoid and terpene ratios in each plant, each one has different effects and advantages. Cannabis is a terpene powerhouse because it is highly concentrated in terpenes, the aromatic substances produced by plants. 

When you smoke marijuana, you quickly release all of those potent fragrant compounds as well as the sooty odor of burnt weed into the air. As a result, terpenes and burning odors persist in the air and soak into things like clothing, hair, and fabrics.

In other words, the smell of weed is necessary and inevitable when smoking but there are things you can do to minimize it in your environment.

Use Incense

If you don’t want it to be too obvious that you’re attempting to mask the smell of marijuana, consider a natural aroma like Nag Champa or Dragon’s Blood. Before smoking, light some incense to keep the marijuana smell from spreading into the room. Moreover, in case there is still weed smoke in the air, incense smoke may serve as a disguise!

Airing and Cleaning the Room

If smoke is confined to only one room, there is nowhere for it to escape until the windows are opened. For as long as you can, leave your windows open to let fresh air in and let the smoke out.

Therefore, if you face this problem, the easiest technique to get rid of the cannabis smell is to thoroughly clean the affected areas or the entire room if you have some extra time. Baking soda and vinegar work well together to deep clean, and you may add natural odor deodorizers to those mixtures as needed.

Clean Fabrics & Surfaces

Next up, cannabis odor will linger in fabrics like tablecloths, bedsheets, pillows, and curtains. In order to remove it once and for all, you must launder thoroughly all fabrics as well as the carpets and add some white vinegar in your wash cycle (this applies also for clothing).

Baking soda is another option that works by absorbing and trapping odors. It has the advantage of being versatile; for added freshness, you can even sprinkle it on your carpet before vacuuming. 

Essential Oils & Neutralizing Sprays

A popular oil that isn’t particularly potent or overbearing but yet manages to mask the scent of marijuana is Patchouli Oil. Lemongrass, lavender, and peppermint are additional excellent options. 

Additionally, An enzyme-based odor remover eliminates strong odors from the source, it’s safe to be used close to animals, and work better than air fresheners. Spray odor remover on all of the room’s fabric surfaces and don’t forget to fluff the curtains and pillows.

Create a Homemade Sploof

A sploof is a smoke filter (or DIY air filter) that you can use to blow into in order to hide the smell of weed smoke. When you exhale the smoke, a sploof filters it using common household items. You can quickly make one if you have a dryer sheet, a rubber band, a washcloth, a paper towel, or toilet paper on hand.

Get Rid of the Smell from your Body and Hair

It’s likely that you don’t want your breath, hair, or body to smell like marijuana if you want to remove smells from your home or car. Fortunately, you can find many items that can be used to cover up odors. 

So, your best bet for fresh breath is to brush your teeth or use strong chewing gum, preferably anything minty. You should keep in mind that when choosing body spray, cologne, or perfume for your body you shouldn’t add too much as it can be overwhelming and possibly raise suspicions.

Use a Dehumidifier or Products with Less Smoke

Most airborne scents in a room are taken away surprisingly rapidly by a dehumidifier with an air filter. It is unquestionably worth the money if you frequently smoke marijuana inside.

Alternatively, smoking weed using vape pens or vaporizers will significantly reduce odors in comparison with smoking. You can also consume edible products that don’t produce odors at all. Consider these solutions as they will also limit the need to fill the room with air fresheners, oils, and candles.


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Joint Roller Tips and Tricks You Need To Know /joint-roller-tips-and-tricks-you-need-to-know/ Fri, 28 Oct 2022 16:54:39 +0000 You’re not alone if you find it challenging to roll a decent joint. Even many long-term tokers who prefer bongs and pipes never seem to get the hang of rolling. Most cannabis social circles designate the most skilled roller in the group to handle the job.   These days, cannabis fans can buy easy-to-use rolling […]

The post Joint Roller Tips and Tricks You Need To Know appeared first on Strain Cannabis Dispensary.

You’re not alone if you find it challenging to roll a decent joint. Even many long-term tokers who prefer bongs and pipes never seem to get the hang of rolling. Most cannabis social circles designate the most skilled roller in the group to handle the job.


These days, cannabis fans can buy easy-to-use rolling cones and pre-rolls. However, relying upon these tools can get pricey and inhibit your ability to customize your joint. Fortunately, there’s hope for folks who can’t seem to master hand-rolling technique: an inexpensive and convenient little device called a joint roller. 


How to Use a Joint Roller


Even if you’re a fairly experienced hand roller, a joint roller can be convenient when you’re in a hurry or when you need to roll several joints at once. RAW, Zig-Zag, and Juicy Jay’s make economical and high-quality joint rollers. Let’s get you started with the basic procedure for using a joint roller:


  1. Grind 1-2 grams of cannabis onto a rolling tray.
  2. Open the joint roller and use your finger to create a cigarette-sized channel.
  3. Add a filter, if desired.
  4. Fill the rest of the channel with the ground buds.
  5. Place your thumbs near the end of each side of the joint roller and use them to bring the two rollers together.
  6. Give the device a couple of rolls to pack the cannabis and let any excess fall away.
  7. Insert the paper into the joint roller with the glue at the top edge facing you.
  8. Give the roller another quarter turn until only the glued portion remains visible.
  9. Wet the glue and give the joint roller another couple of turns.
  10.  Open the roller and take out your joint.


Pro Tips For Rolling A Joint


Now that you understand the basic steps for using a joint roller, you can improve your technique with some tips from the pros:


  • Grind your weed with a high-quality metal grinder armed with plenty of teeth.
  • Be especially careful to remove any seeds. Seeds will ruin the flavor of your toke and can pop out at you unexpectedly. 
  • Don’t pack too much bud into the roller. Joints need enough space for air, or they won’t burn well.
  • Let the joint dry for a moment before lighting it. Wet joints may fall apart or be impossible to light.
  • Use a moist cotton swab to wet the glue if you’re rolling joints for someone else and don’t want to share germs.
  • Choose high-quality rolling papers, and make sure they’re the correct size. Place the paper evenly into the joint roller to avoid rolling a crooked joint.
  • Buy standard-sized filters or get your filters from the same company that manufactured your joint roller. Some filters are too skinny for joint rollers and will limit the size of your joints.
  • Practice a few times until you master your joint roller technique. You can always take the joint apart and try again. You’ll be able to reuse the weed and the filter, but you’ll have to throw away the paper.


The post Joint Roller Tips and Tricks You Need To Know appeared first on Strain Cannabis Dispensary.

Using A Kief Grinder To Collect Cannabinoids /using-a-kief-grinder/ Tue, 31 May 2022 16:25:08 +0000 The post Using A Kief Grinder To Collect Cannabinoids appeared first on Strain Cannabis Dispensary.


Kief remains the crowning jewel of cannabis. Over the centuries, cannasseurs have developed countless ways to extract these cannabinoid-rich particles from the tops of delicate trichomes. As we enter a more relaxed age for cannabis legalization, it’s likely extractors will discover even more hi-tech ways to filter kief off of buds.

While advanced machines may be more “efficient” at extracting kief, these are only good for people who have access to lab settings. What if you’re just a humble cannabis fan that wants to collect kief at home?

Well, the most obvious way to start collecting kief is to look for a “kief grinder.” These herb grinders have special screens that help users gather kief without even knowing it. Upgrading to a kief grinder could add some crazy potency to your smoking sessions.

using a grinder

What Makes A “Kief Grinder” Different From Regular Grinders?

Honestly, the term “kief grinder” is a bit misleading. When you grind cannabis with these products, you’re not actually tearing the plant’s precious kief. Instead, these special devices have multiple screens that help filter kief into the bottom chamber.

So, as you’re grinding your primary herb in the top chamber, any small particles from the tips of your trichomes should fall through narrow mesh screens. After multiple rounds of grinding marijuana, you should start to see kief powder forming in the kief catcher.

Please never assume that a marijuana grinder always has kief filters. While kief catchers are “catching on” in standard grinder design, this feature usually isn’t in cheaper units. Always read through a grinder’s specifications to see if it has a way to catch kief.

While you don’t have to use the kief in your grinder right away, you should inspect the mesh screens after every few sessions. Since trichomes are naturally sticky, they will clog these filters after repeated use. It’s a good idea to give these screens a quick brush after each use. You may also want to wash these screens in a mix of water and isopropyl alcohol about once per month.

Interestingly, some cannabis fans recommend popping your grinder in the freezer for about 20 minutes after each use. Since cannabinoids are fat-soluble compounds, this tip should make it easier for any trapped trichomes to fall through nitty-gritty mesh screens. After the 20 minutes are up, give your grinder a few taps on the side, and you should be good to go.

Please refer to your marijuana grinder’s handbook for the manufacturer’s recommended cleaning instructions.

What Do You Do With All The Kief You’ve Caught?

Once you have a decent dusting of kief, you may be wondering what to do with it.

Well, the good news is that kief is a highly versatile way to get, well, “high.” You can add a sprinkling of kief to pretty much anything for extra flavor and potency.

Of course, you could add kief directly to bongs, joints, or spliffs for a supercharged experience. A sprinkling of kief is also an essential feature on hot new products like twax joints and moon rocks. For those who are more industrious, it’s also possible to make DIY hash or edibles with kief powder.

Just be careful about adding too much kief to your favorite cannabis products. While kief may look like harmless dust, it doesn’t take much to send you to Mars.

The post Using A Kief Grinder To Collect Cannabinoids appeared first on Strain Cannabis Dispensary.
